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Limited Time Magic at Hollywood Studios - Unique Walking Tour

Sep 15th 2013 at 9:42

This weeks Limited Time Magic event takes place at Disney's Hollywood Studios, and features a unique walking tour before the park opens!

The event takes place from September 16 to 20, 2013 before park opening. Guests are given a private tour of the Tower of Terror, and be told all about the history of the park. The only downside to this Limited Time Magic event is that it is VERY limited. Guests had to enter within a fixed period, which is now closed. Disney were also refusing to accept guests who were not US residents, and would not allow a successful applicant to bring a guest or their family.

Each tour has just 25 people, so a total of just 125 guests were able to take part, out of the average of approx. 187,000 guests that will visit over that 5 day period, making this a very exclusive, and limited event.

Category: Limited Time Magic