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Celebrate the Magic - Villains edition starts this weekend

Aug 30th 2013 at 10:19

A much anticipated update to the popular 'Celebrate the Magic' projection show will start this weekend at the Magic Kingdom, featuring Disney Villains.

The official Disney Parks Blog confirmed that Celebrate the Magic will have a new segment to the show, where Disney Villains take center stage. The update features such as The Little Mermaid's "Ursula" and Fantasia's "Chernabog".

The updated show will start this Sunday evening (September 1st) and will run through to November 1st, 2013. Here's what the Disney Parks Blog had to say:

This new segment of “Celebrate the Magic” places the Disney villains center stage. From the sea witch Ursula, lording over the poor unfortunate souls trapped in her underwater lair, to the demon Chernabog from Walt Disney’s “Fantasia,” spreading his wings across the face of Cinderella Castle, it promises to be a particularly dark and foreboding chapter.

Things heat up as Maleficent casts a forest of thorns around the base of the castle, and then transforms into a wicked, fire-breathing dragon who threatens to destroy the very magic we’ve come to celebrate. Fear not, though. As with all great Disney stories, this one is sure to have a happy ending.

Celebrate the Magic Villains Update
Celebrate the Magic Villains Update

Category: Celebrate the Magic